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Meet The Parents

All of our dog parents are companion animals first. They live in our house beside us everyday. 


Click the pictures below to learn more about each of our dogs!

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Pippa is a ruby cavalier with a white chest.​ With the correct pairing, she can produce all of the classic colors.


Health Testing:

OFA Heart: Normal

OFA Eyes: Coming soon!

EFS: Clear

DECCS: Clear


Fun Facts:​

  • Everyone's best friend.

  • She likes to "talk" to you. If you are not paying enough attention to her, you are going to hear about it.

  • Pippa is camera shy. She likes to run away when you try to take her picture.


Favorite Food: Anything with peanut butter


Favorite Toy: She doesn't really care for toys.


Favorite person: Mommy and Daddy


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Lady is a black and tan cavalier with very little white on her. She can create black and tans and tri-colors.


Health Testing:

OFA Heart: Normal

OFA Eyes: Normal

EFS: Clear

DECCS: Clear


Fun Facts: ​

  • She is the ultimate cuddler.  She has to be touching someone at all times.

  • She can be a bit selfish and doesn't like to share Mommy. She will push Pippa out of the way and take her spot.

  • Pretends she can't jump onto the bed, but we all know better.


Favorite Food: Honest Kitchen Goat Milk & Cookies


Favorite Toy: Her stingray


Favorite person: Everyone

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Pixie is a classic tri-color. She is a daughter of Lady. Depending on health testing results, she will be a future mother in our program.


Health Testing:

OFA Heart: Normal

OFA Eyes: Normal

EFS: Clear

DECCS: Clear


Fun Facts: ​

  • Pixie loves to be with people at all times.

  • She doesn't like it when her feet are cold and will cry until you hold them in your hand to warm them up.

  • She loves to nuzzle against your hand and give hugs.


Favorite Food: Chicken


Favorite Toy: Her Kong teddy bear


Favorite person: Mommy

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Jewel is a classic color black and tan cavalier who carries the chocolate gene. We hope to have chocolate and tans from her in the future.


Health Testing:

OFA Heart: Coming soon!

OFA Eyes: Coming soon!

EFS: Coming soon!

DECCS: Coming soon!


Fun Facts: ​

  • Jewel is a small ninja who is working on perfecting her escape ability. She often escapes from her crate and runs proudly over to us to praise her new trick.


Favorite Food: Blueberries


Favorite Toy: Kong Wild Knots Bear


Favorite person: She loves to cuddle with Mommy but know she has Daddy wrapped around her little paw.

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Roo is a blenheim cavalier who is on the smaller side. He is the son of Pippa.


Health Testing:

OFA Heart: Coming Soon!

OFA Eyes: Coming Soon!

EFS: Clear

DECCS: Clear


Fun Facts:​

  • Roo loves spending the day hanging out with his best friend, Max (a rescue and not part of our breeding program).

  • He loves to give hugs and is always hoping for a few extra treats.


Favorite Food: Mother Hubbard Mini Bones


Favorite Toy: He loves his Kong toy


Favorite person: Mommy and Daddy


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Graham is a chocolate ruby cavalier with no white on him.


Health Testing:

OFA Heart: Normal

OFA Eyes: Normal

EFS: Carrier

DECCS: Clear


Fun Facts:​

  • Graham loves meeting new people.

  • He loves chasing his tail and playing with our kids.

  • Graham is quiet and polite.


Favorite Food: Carrots


Favorite Toy: He loves to play with his toy bunny.


Favorite person: Daddy and his human brother, Jake.


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