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The Whelping Box

Everything in the Puppy Room has systematically been chosen to help the puppies develop and thrive.  The puppy box (or whelping box) is lined with either VetBed or Steri-Lon fleece which keeps pups warm and clean.  It also has a long-term benefit in that it provides excellent traction for the pups, which helps them develop strong muscles and reduces the risk of later-in-life orthopedic problems like hip dysplasia.  


The whelping box is lined in either VetBed or Steri-Lon fleece which keeps the pups warm and clean. It also has long-term benefits. By providing excellent traction for the pups, it helps them develop strong muscles and reduces the risk of later-in-life orthopedic problems.


Since young puppies cannot regulate their body temperature, it is imperative that we keep the temperature stable in the whelping box. A digital thermometer is kept in the box with the preferred temperature being 70-72 degrees. Cold pups do not nurse well, nor do they nurse well if they are too hot.

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