Early Neurological Stimulation
From day 3-16 healthy, stress free puppies are provided Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS), also known as the "Super Dog Program". By providing small stresses we can help to "jump start" a puppy's neurological system.
Benefits of ENS:
stronger heartbeat and heart rate
greater resistance to stress
stronger adrenal system
stronger immune system
greater endurance
By using the ENS protocol, you can change the puppy for the rest of it's life!
Neonatal Period
Did you know newborn puppies can't see, can't hear, and can't walk? The neonatal period marks the first two weeks of the puppy's life. This is the most vulnerable period of their life. We keep the mothers happy and the puppies safe by staying with them 24/7 during this time. We monitor the puppies and weigh each pup twice daily to be certain they are thriving.
Consistant Temperature
These young neonates are not able to regulate their body temperature at this stage. We keep a thermometer in the whelping box to ensure their environment is at the ideal temperature. We also keep Snuggle Safe microwavable heat packs near them in case the puppies stray too far from mom. That way we can be confident the puppies will have constant access to warmth.
Early Neurological Stimulation
From day 3-16 healthy, stress free puppies are provided Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). By providing small stresses we can help to "jump start" a puppy's neurological system.
Benefits of ENS:
stronger heartbeat and heart rate
greater resistance to stress
stronger adrenal system
stronger immune system
greater endurance
By using the ENS protocol, you can change the puppy for the rest of it's life!
Early Scent Introduction
Everyone knows dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, but check out the actual blood vessels! Clearly, noses are very important. Early Scent Introduction is a daily protocol from day 3-16 that consists of presenting the puppies with a different natural scent each day. The object is placed 1/2 inch from the puppies nose, and the puppy is allowed to explore the scent at its own pace for up to 30 seconds. This allows us to work the puppies noses and brains before their eyes and ears are open.

Daily Weight Checks
For the first two weeks, we weigh the puppies twice daily to ensure they are getting enough to eat and are thriving. By doing this, we are often able to catch signs of fading puppy syndrome before it is too late.
The Whelping Box
The whelping box is carefully planned to give the puppies a safe environment to spend the first weeks of their life.